Grand Avenue Visioning at Riverview Park

Summary of Engagement and Planning Process

Grand Avenue Visioning at Riverview Park

Summary of Engagement and Planning Process (March 2020 – August 2024)

The Grand Avenue Visioning project at Riverview Park was a collaborative effort led by the Friends of Riverview Park and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to reimagine the area along Grand Avenue, especially focusing on the site of the current Division 1 depot. The project involved community engagement, input from city officials, and professional guidance to develop a comprehensive plan for the site’s future.

Key Events and Milestones

1. Initial Public Meeting (March 2020):

The process began with a public meeting in March 2020. During this meeting, community members were introduced to the project’s goals and invited to share their ideas and feedback. The meeting aimed to gather initial input on how to improve the Grand Avenue entrance and the surrounding areas of Riverview Park.

2. Post-COVID Restart and Public Site Walk (May 2023):

After a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the engagement process restarted in May 2023 with a public site walk. This event, starting at the Valley Refuge Shelter in Riverview Park, allowed participants to explore the trails and park features firsthand. The site walk was guided by consultants and provided an opportunity for attendees to visualize potential changes and contribute fresh ideas following the hiatus.

3. Presentation of Alternatives (July 2023):

In July 2023, consultants presented a range of design and development alternatives for the Grand Avenue area. These alternatives were based on the input collected from the initial meeting and the May 2023 site walk. The presentation aimed to provide community members and stakeholders with different options to consider, encouraging further discussion and feedback.

4. Site Walk and Feedback from City Department of Public Works (DPW) (August 2023):

A crucial site walk took place in August 2023, which included representatives from the City’s Department of Public Works (DPW). During this walk, feedback was collected from city officials to ensure that the proposed plans aligned with city infrastructure needs and regulations. This collaboration was essential for refining the vision and ensuring practical and sustainable solutions.

5. Final Presentation (August 2024):

The engagement and planning process concluded with a final presentation in August 2024. This presentation showcased the refined vision for the Grand Avenue corridor, incorporating feedback from the community, city officials, and consultants. The final plan detailed how the relocation of the Division 1 depot and the reimagined use of the space would enhance the park’s accessibility, aesthetics, and overall visitor experience.

Community Involvement and Communication:

Throughout the project, community involvement was prioritized. Meetings, site walks, and presentations provided multiple opportunities for stakeholders to engage and provide input. The project team utilized various communication channels, including social media platforms like Facebook, to keep the community informed and involved. Events were designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring broad participation.


The Grand Avenue Visioning project has successfully created a collaborative vision for the future of Riverview Park’s entrance. This vision, informed by extensive community engagement and expert guidance, promises to enhance the park’s natural beauty while improving functionality and accessibility. The commitment from the City of Pittsburgh to relocate the Division 1 depot has paved the way for a transformed space that aligns with the community’s desires and needs, fostering a more welcoming and enjoyable environment for all park visitors.